
24.05.2017   News

The Super Cup Trophy with the youngest ones - PHOTO

Teams from all over Macedonia that play for their place in the final tournament in the FFM Children's Leagues had a chance to take a photo with the UEFA Super Cup Trophy today, before they play their last games for the season.

13.04.2017   News

For the coach

Expert magazine published by the educational center and the coach organization of the Football Federation of Macedonia (only available in Macedonian Language).

18.03.2017   News

Photo:The youngest ones with the UEFA Super Cup Trophy - Today they take photos and they dream to win the trophy

One of the most important European Trophies that will go in the hands of the UEFA Super Cup Winners is in the Football Federation of Macedonia. Skopje and the National Arena will host the game between the winners of UCL and UEL on 8 August, 2017.

22.09.2016   News

October is the month of National Teams football! The sale of tickets starts on Monday, 26 September

The National Arena Philip II will host the October Qualifiers of the A National Team and the U21 National Team.

A National Team