FC Tikves - FC Voska at the stadium "Mladost " in Strumica

Published on 18 Мај, 2022 in News

The play off match for the First MFL between the teams of Tikves and Voska will be played on May 22 at 17:00 at the stadium "Mladost" in Strumica.

At the meeting of the Security Commission and the Competition Commission within FFM in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior (MOI), the decision was made to determine the stadium for the match.

FFM through the Security Commission sent a letter to the Ministry of Interior requesting information in the part of taking security measures to play the best play off match Tikves - Voska and the Competition Commission will act in accordance with the received information.

As the Football Federation of Macedonia, we thank the Ministry of Interior for the constructive cooperation as it has been so far.

We believe that by applying the regulations and respecting the preventive measures by the competent institutions, a real football spectacle is guaranteed.

The Football Federation of Macedonia will do everything in the competence of the federation, the two play offs to be played in a sporty, fair and correct atmosphere.

We are glad that the interest of the audience for these competitions is huge. It confirms that we are on the right track.

Football wins.

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