Announcement from the Competition Commission

Published on 17 Мај, 2022 in News

The competition commission within the Football Federation of Macedonia has determined the stadium "Goce Delchev" in Prilep to host the play off match for the First MFL between the teams of Tikves and Voska.

Considering that at the beginning of next month, the Macedonian A national team expects two matches from the League of Nations at home at the National Arena "Todor Proeski", the intention of the Football Federation of Macedonia was play offs to be played at other stadiums, primarily  to protect the field of the arena "Todor Proeski" for the national team matches, and additionally that on May 20 at our largest stadium will be played the final of the Cup of Macedonia.

After drawing the pairs for the play offs and certain places to play, the Competition Commission after the meeting with the Security Commission, decided (the regulations allow it) the match Voska - Tikves to be played at the National Arena "Todor Proeski".

The only reason for the change of the venue of the match is the information received by the FFM Security Commission about the presence of a large number of fans of both teams and the possibility to guarantee the safety of the thousands of spectators at the stadium in Prilep.

FFM through the Security Commission sent an official letter to the Ministry of Interior (MOI) requesting directions and instructions in the area of ​​taking security measures to play the two play offs at the initially determined venues, ie Tikves - Voska in Prilep and Skopje - Belasica in Stip.

The Football Federation of Macedonia will act accordingly depending on the response and instructions of the Ministry of Interior.

We are convinced that only with strict and consistent application of the regulations and the observance of the preventive measures by the competent institutions, a real sports spectacle can be guaranteed.

The security measures of the matches exist for a reason and we expect the clubs to be allies in their implementation.

Full stands without incidents, without inappropriate behavior and riots, without nationalism and discrimination, are key goals of all participants in Macedonian football, from the Football Federation of Macedonia and clubs through fan groups, the public and the media to state institutions as a whole.

For FFM, dialogue and communication is the only way for a quality relationship with clubs and institutions and we will insist on that in the future.

A National Team