UEFA Pro License – Module 3

Published on 26 Ноември, 2014 in News, Seminars

The Education Center of the Football Federation of Macedonia has set the date for the third Module of the UEFA Pro License coaching program.

The Seminar will take place from 01 until 03 December, 2014 at the hotel “TCC Grand Plaza”, where theoretical lectures will be presented by: Jim Fleeting – director of sports development for the Scottish Football Association, Boshko Gjurovski – head coach of the Macedonian National A Team, Nebojsha Markovski – technical director of FFM, Vujica Zhivkovikj and Lenche Aleksovska Velichkovska, lecturers and the Education Center of FFM.

The practical part of the seminar will be held at the training center of FFM – “Petar Miloshevski” with the following program:

01.12.14 – at 12:00h training with Jim Fleeting, the director of sports development for the Scottish Football Association

02.12.14 – at 11:30h training with Boshko Gjurovski, head coach of the Macedonian A Team, in collaboration with Gordan Zdravkov and Dobrinko Ilievski, FFM instructors.

The practical part will be executed with football players from the football academy of FFM (second and third year)

The practice sessions will be open for other interested coaches. 


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