High UEFA representative at a meeting at FFM. The European Super Cup is the main subject of discussion

Published on 23 Јануари, 2015 in News

Teodor Teodoridis, high UEFA representative and the person in charge of the department for cooperation with the national associations will have a business meeting with the Football Federation of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Macedon

At the meeting with the President of the football federation, Ilcho Gjorgjioski, the high UEFA representative will be briefed about all the details regarding the candidacy submitted by “House of Football”, the city of Skopje and the National Arena “Filip II” to organize the UEFA European Super Cup in 2017.

-Compared to other football associations, ours is not the largest, but Macedonia is a country that aims high and has an incredible passion for football. We admire the path that UEFA takes because all the decisions that they make they show their true love for football and respect towards all countries, regardless of their size or financial stake. Our candidacy for organizing the European Super Cup is a great opportunity for smaller countries to experience a big sports event. At the meeting with Mr. Teodoridis we confirmed that we will do everything to prove that Macedonia and our capital city will be ready for hosting this big event. We are hoping for full support from UEFA, the City of Skopje and the institutions that will be involved in overcoming this big goal to organize the European Super Cup. In many occasions during these past few years, the UEFA delegations in its findings expressed compliments about what FFM and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia did for promoting this sport, and I am convinced that we will continue our progress, stated the President of the Football Federation of Macedonia, Ilcho Gjorgjioski.

The high UEFA representative will also have a meeting with the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. The final decision regarding the host country of the Super Cup 2016 will be made by the end of the month at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Football Association. We will receive information about their decision by the end of June and we will find out if Skopje will gain their trust for organizing this event in 2017.

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