FFM is announcing the start of preparation of a 5 year Strategy for development of Womens and Girls Football

Published on 29 Јуни, 2020 in News

The Executive Committee of the Football Federation of Macedonia has decided to appoint the administration a decision for starting the process of preparation of Women’ and Girls’ Football Development Strategy. This process, that is expected to take few months, will join all the stakeholders that are directly or indirectly involved in the women’s and girls’ football development in the country. We are all witnessing that women’s football is the fastest growing sport for women in Europe and the World, and FFM as the institution responsible for the overall development of football is prepared to keep track with this trend.

Although Women’s Football has an important part in the ten-year overall Strategic Plan of the Football Federation of Macedonia 2016-2021-2026, we’ve assessed that Women’s Football development, due to its importance and specifics, needs a separate strategy.

„To us as a Federation all aspects of football development are important. Women’s football with its specifics has been imposing as a field of additional development, and in order to systematically coordinate our activities with our needs and capabilities, we are determined to prepare a document that will represent a base for our work in this area in the next 5 years.  Our aim is to prepare a plan of specific and feasible activities, and not just another fancy document that will not see the light of the day. We are ready to include all the stakeholders, in order to be certain that what we commit to with this Strategy is relevant and helpful to all the ones that have been tirelessly working to improve Women’s football in our Country.“ – said the General Secretary of FFM. Mr. Filip Popovski.

„Women’s football is an integral part of the overall operations of the Federation’s administration ever since the beginning of the new millennia. We as a football institution have always given our best efforts to follow the development trends of Europe and the World, and we feel that the time is right to frame all these efforts and activities in strategic document that will represent the road we need to take in our future plans when it comes to Women’s and Girls’ football development. The whole administration of the federation is prepared to give their contribution, with an aim to prepare a strategy that will be implemented in the course of 5 years. I am certain that we are taking the right path, we have the support from UEFA and FIFA and the commitment of our Top Management” – stated the Manager of Sector Football in FFM, Mr. Zharko Ignjatovski.

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