FFM donated equipment to 114 teams in the youth competition

Published on 26 Мај, 2015 in News

The Football Federation of Macedonia donated equipment (sports equipment and football balls) to the teams of the Super League and the First League (pioneers, pioneer youth, cadets and youth competitions). More than 100 team representatives received t

-“We are achieving what we took as our responsibility. Youth football development is our priority and we will try to give our full support  in the future to the clubs that are dedicated to youth football development. While the present belongs to the current generation of players, there is no doubt that our commitment in the future will be towards football development of the youth categories, up until the beginning of their professional career.” – stated Ilcho Gjorgioski, the President of the Football Federation of Macedonia.

Each of the 114 clubs that received a donation have 20 sets of sports equipment (jerseys, football shorts, socks) and also each received 15 JAKO football balls.

- “This is an amazing thing, we are very happy with the equipment that we received, especially with the football balls. For every youth team it is important that there is someone that could help out and give support. We give our appreciation to the Football Federation of Macedonia in the name of our club, FC Vardar. “– stated Kristijan Risteski, youth football coordinator at FC Vardar.

-“We are very grateful, this donation from the Football Federation of Macedonia means a lot to us. I hope that by developing the youth football we will contribute to raising the quality of football in Macedonia. I hope that we will receive the needed support from FFM in the future, because it is very important that the youth clubs and the younger players have support.”- stated Naumche Ljamchevski from FC Pelister.

- We are very pleased that we received sports equipment and football balls for our club, GFK Gostivar. It means a lot to us because for the first time we have high quality equipment for all youth categories. I hope that we will continue our cooperation in the future in order to improve and further develop the youth football in our country.”- stated Ergjan Menga from GFK Gostivar.

A National Team